
Showing posts from October, 2018

Flutter - Create Image Container with Round Corners and Splash Effect

Introduction In this article I'm going to explain you about how image with round corners and splash effect is created using Flutter widgets. Before doing some coding, let's see how images are loaded in Flutter and what the splash effect means. Images in flutter In flutter apps, we can load images from network, assets (App resources) or from the file system. Loading images from network is very easy task in flutter using constructor. '', ) If you want to load images from network and cache it for offline usage, you can use CachedNetworkImage widget. You need to add cached_network_image dependency to use it. Click here to see installation instructions. CachedNetworkImage( placeholder: CircularProgressIndicator(), imageUrl: '...

Flutter - Using Fixed Width Widgets Inside ListView

ListView is used to display scrollable list of widgets. Children inside ListView takes whole width of ListView by default. So elements inside ListView expands to take whole width. There are couple of ways we can set fixed width to elements inside ListView. Using Align - Set alignment property of the Align widget to , Alignment.centerLeft , Alignment.centerRight etc. ListView( children: [ Align( alignment:, child: SizedBox( width: 160.0, height: 160.0, child: Image.asset('images/default_avatar.jpg'), ), ), ], ); Using Container - In here Align widget is internally used inside Container ListView( children: [ Container( ...

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